Saturday, September 27, 2014

And the Rain Still Falls

Conflict surrounds us. Hangs around. Hunts us down. In everyone's life, there falls some rain? I suppose so. Well, yes, I suppose so, but I don't like it. It seems like the world was made for better things. Loving and laughing. Feasts and celebrations. Joy. Peace.

David Richo, in his book, The Five Things We Cannot Change: And the Happiness We Find by Embracing Them reminds us of one of the rules of the world: Not every one is loyal and loving all of the time. I don't like that. I wish that it were different, but it isn't. Sometimes people are selfish, self-absorbed, and self-centered. Sometimes they are mean, spiteful and cruel. Sometimes they are worse. Too bad. Too bad because out of these wounded and broken people conflict, pain, evil and suffering are given form.

Of course, the rule applies to all of us. I would dearly like to be the exception. Still, I am also petty, selfish, mean and worse. At least some of the time. So, conflict falls from my hands. And yours. Ours. At last we have set the record straight. The conflict is ours no matter which chair we are sitting in. No fingers to point. Case closed.

I want to be careful here. I aim to claim the responsibility that is mine, nothing more. That's enough isn't it? My hands will be full for a lifetime. And that is the point. So far as it depends on us... live peaceably with all. Plenty depends upon me. My skills of loving. My willingness and ability to forgive. Containing and controlling my anger, bitterness, hate. Overcoming my fears, my losses. And you too, your anger, fear and guilt and a life skillfully lived.

In truth, the world truly was made for better things, but the rain still falls on us all. People are sometimes not loving and not loyal. And the only way to stand in this world, to embrace all that is beautiful and good is, as much as it is possible, so far as it depends on you, and me, live peaceably with all.

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