
We offer workshops for our clients both in person and online.  send us a note and we will make sure you know when new workshops are scheduled.   Here is what we have available today.

Understand Your Man :: Understand Your Woman
Sometimes we are so confused by the man or woman in our lives.  their motivations, their priorities and their choices can be a complete mystery.  In the beginning of a relationship we may find these differences charming, but without more insight these differences can lead to conflict. Learn why they do what they do.  And learn what you can do when it isn't working.

Practicing Forgiveness
One of the unfortunately realities in life is that we are injured by others from time to time.  Some injuries are slight and others may be catastrophic, though most fall somewhere in between..  Some are accidental, others come through neglect and some injuries come with intent.  All of these injuries leave wounds that need to heal.  Forgiveness is a part of that healing.   Learn how forgiveness can bring healing into your life.

Finding Forgiveness
When we first started giving workshops about forgiving others, we were met with the probing question,"How do I forgive myself?"  This workshop answers this question by teaching new skills and perspectives that will set you free from your feelings of guilt and shame.  Learn how to address your inner critical voices, how to overcome distorted thinking and strengthen your relationships.

Working With Stress

Stress is a basic reality of the human condition.  When there is a gap between what we need, expect and want and our emotional, physical, relational and financial resources.  When that gap is large and lasts for a long time we can begin to experience anger, guilt, anxiety and depression.  In this workshop we provide skills and tools to close the gap that creates the stress in your life.

From Conflict to Cooperation in Families
Parenting can be overwhelming.  Daily battles at bedtime or meal time along with  helping around the house and homework can become long term power struggles.  We teach parent how to train their children to take full responsibility for their thoughts, choices, actions and outcomes.  And how to do it so they feel loved, protected, cared for and nurtured.  Prepare your children to he happy, loving and productive adults. 

Every Family is Special: Strategies For Surviving and Thriving
Every family struggles sometimes, but families that have special needs can be a a much greater risk.  Some reports estimate that 80% of special needs families experience divorce.  Your family may need unique solutions based on your unique needs.  In this workshop we help you develop the resources to survive and then thrive.

Resistance, Resentment and Rebellion: Hope for Families
Some children are inclined to test, challenge and push back every step along the way.  This can lead to patterns of resistance, resentment and rebellion and create pain and chaos for the whole family.  This workshop focuses on developing the tools and skills parents need to successfully prepare these children to be happy, productive and responsible adults.   We will particularly focus on effective discipline that will improve your relationship with your child, assist them in taking personal responsibility for their lives and decrease their resistance, resentment and rebellion.

Understanding High Conflict People

Some people drive conflict.  These people are organized differently than others.  They are easily drawn into conflict and even seem to see conflicts when others do not.  The high conflict people in our lives find it difficult to make strong and secure connections with others.  Learn what drives these people, how to recognize them in real time before they hurt you, establish effective boundaries and keep your conflicts with them from escalating.

The Wolves Among the Sheep: High Conflict People in Church
High conflict people pose unique challenges for pastors, staff and lay ministers in churches.  They are particularly vulnerable to their attacks, whisper campaigns and ability to recruit others to do their dirty work.  Some churches are uniquely structured to give high conflict people maximum power and influence which is often used destructively with the pastor or other ministry leader as the primary target.  Learn how to effectively minister to the needs of high conflict people with both effective limitations and deep compassion while protecting your ministry and the church.

The Jerk At Work: High Conflict Dynamics in the Workplace
High conflict people generate chaos in the workplace.  They create conflict, undermine efficient work environments, destroy workplace collegiality and initiate most workplace litigation. High conflict people can be organization leaders, middle management or support staff.  They will cause difficulties at every level.  Learn how to recognize high conflict people in real time, how to effectively limit their destructive behaviors and help them be more valued contributors to your organization.

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